We’re excited to announce that RLDatix’s DatixCloudIQ (DCIQ) is proudly certified as compliant with the NHS Learning From Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) system (formerly PSIMS).
In the coming weeks we will begin piloting the new LFPSE capability with RLDatix customer organisations. Upon completion of these pilots, the capability will then be extended to a number of other customer organisations for further testing, before the functionality is made available to all DCIQ customers, via a self-serve process.
Once the LFPSE functionality is fully launched, RLDatix will provide all DCIQ customers with full-service documentation to aid them in their implementation, including guidance on new requirements such as the addition of new questions to incident reporting forms in the RLDatix system. Organisations will be able to fully self-service the transition to the new LFPSE functionality. As DCIQ transitions away from the current NRLS functionality, it will become a LFPSE only platform.
As the replacement for the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS), LFPSE will serve as the central service for recording and analysis of patient safety events, offering improved support for staff, enabling them to record safety events, whilst providing greater insight and analysis to aid national and local safety improvement.
If you would like to read more about the LFPSE project or have any queries related to the question set, you can visit the project page to learn more and reach out to the LFPSE team.
We’re excited for the launch of the pilot projects, which will ensure a smooth transition process for the wider DatixWeb customer base, scheduled to take place after the transition of DCIQ customers. We’re working in line with the LFPSE rollout timeline to ensure that all our customers, no matter which system they are using, are equipped and able to report to the appropriate reporting system.
Thank you to our customers and partners who have worked tirelessly with us to support this project. We look forward to sharing more updates ahead of the pilot launch.
If you have any questions for the RLDatix team, please contact your Account Manager or email accmgt@rldatix.com.