The leading charity in Lincolnshire providing specialist palliative and end-of-life care for adults living with life-limiting or terminal illness.
The services and expertise they offer for adults have been established across Lincolnshire supporting the provision of holistic care, including symptom assessment and control, psychological and spiritual support, access to welfare benefits and bereavement support. St Barnabas provides compassionate high quality end-of-life care and support to more than 80,000 people every year throughout Lincolnshire.
Increasing demands for accurate falls data leads to smarter system use.
Inpatient falls are an important patient safety indicator. Meticulous reporting and accurate data is essential to enable identification of trends and risks. Prior to the implementation of RLDatix, St Barnabas used a paper based system with the potential for omission of crucial data which impacted on the quality of reports. When RLDatix was implemented St Barnabas immediately recognised that the system could offer an improved method of capturing data by including a mandatory standard set of fields specific to their needs. Joy Fairweather, Clinical Governance Lead at St Barnabas described how useful the ability to customise RLDatix is to help capture key organisational data. “When using a paper incident form, key information was sometimes omitted but now by making a field mandatory, we will always have the core information to be able to identify any themes, such as a particular ward area or shift time that has a higher incidence of falls. Data is reviewed on a day to day basis by line managers and also collated quarterly and further analysed for trends.” The system provides a full set of relevant data in each report and St Barnabas is now equipped to make informed decisions about areas of risk in a way they were unable to do using paper-based reporting.
RLDatix provides a lightbulb moment for St Barnabas that drives a widespread training initiative.
As a Hospice and palliative care provider, monitoring for safeguarding concerns is integral to the work St Barnabas does. Concerns logged via the system identified that the number of suicidal incidents had increased and training was needed to support staff in this area. As a result an additional training programme was provided to support staff dealing with patients and clients expressing suicidal ideation. The additional training for staff has helped enhance skills to achieve a better outcome for people expressing such concerns.
"RLDatix is an effective tool for managing risk and it does save time and is cost effective"
Joy Fairweather, Clinical Governance Lead, St Barnabas Hospice
RLDatix helps St Barnabas solve their biggest challenge by providing efficiency.
As with many organisations St Barnabas is constantly challenged to be more efficient and cost effective in all areas of their services. Commissioners and Trustees require increasing levels of data for assurance of a safe and high-quality service, including the number of incidents, patient falls, complaints and risks. The hospice can now easily search for the data, generate and present reports. Efficiency and cost effectiveness are essential for the service to be sustainable into the future and RLDatix has helped the Hospice in both these areas.
Joy says, tasks that used to take a long time can now be achieved with “a few clicks of a button…” which is especially helpful when there are urgent requests for data or examples are needed for meetings etc. The ability to display data immediately in real time has had a positive impact for the Hospice service, by gaining staff engagement to enable management of risk. “RLDatix is an effective tool for managing risk and it does save time and is cost effective.”
Fast Facts
- RLDatix helps St Barnabas remain efficient with fast and easy reporting
- St Barnabas has helped over 80,000 people with end of life care
- RLDatix is used by over 300 staff across multiple locations
- RLDatix was introduced into St Barnabas Hospice in 2014
- St Barnabas uses DatixWeb Incidents, Risks, Complaints and Dashboards
- St Barnabas has a CQC rating of Good