Linking QR Codes to Your RLDatix System

July 28, 2021 RLDatix Marketing

Linking QR codes to your RLDatix system

Did you know that QR codes can be linked to RLDatix systems? With RLDatix's cloud solutions, such as DCIQ and PolicyStat, healthcare organisations can make QR codes available for staff to directly access incident reporting forms, internal policies and many other areas through mobile and tablet devices through simply scanning a device.

What are the benefits of using a QR code?

  • The QR code can be adapted for specific scenarios. For example you can link to a partially completed incident form, specific to an individual location of your organisation or link to a specific section in a policy, ensuring staff know the correct process, making it easy for them to do the right thing.
  • You can encourage a positive reporting culture by making it easier for staff to report quickly and anytime, anywhere.
  • Enabling staff to report quickly and with pre-populated forms, will lead to more detailed event data being captured.

How to start using QR codes

First, you need to choose a QR code generator. These can easily be found online, but it is important that any tools you use are approved for use by your IT and/or IG team. Second, create the QR code and link to the relevant URL from the RLDatix cloud system. Then simply share the QR code with staff!

QR codes can only be utilised with RLDatix's cloud software and is not a feature that can be used with DatixWeb. 

If you have any questions on utilising QR codes with your RLDatix cloud system please get in touch with us

Please note: Customer accepts and understands that RLDatix is not the provider of any QR code reader or similar software.  RLDatix makes absolutely no warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability or security of any such QR code reader or similar software provided by third parties.  RLDatix assumes no liability for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages whatsoever, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tort, arising out of or in connection with the use of any QR code reader or similar software.


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