In recent months, I’ve been working with colleagues to set up a new patient safety organisation. With more than a little excitement I’m pleased to announce that this new not for profit organisation, which we are simply calling Patient Safety Learning, is going to be officially launched with support from RLDatix on 21 September.
We want to share a little more about our plans, why we think our new organisation is needed and the kind of work we are planning.
Why create yet another organisation?
The drive to create Patient Safety Learning has been born from the frustration of seeing the same themes emerge time and time again in healthcare systems around the world. Although there has been an increase in patient safety improvement projects in local organisations, there is a lack of a systematic approach to sharing knowledge and information about what patient safety initiatives and solutions work.
Another issue we see repeatedly in inquiries and investigations is culture. We know that staff can still feel fearful of raising concerns and reporting incidents. Too often, healthcare organisations respond defensively to things that go wrong and this compounds the grief families experience and inhibits the learning and change needed to prevent similar events happening again.
We believe that focusing specifically on these areas, and through working closely with patients, healthcare professionals and safety specialists, we can play an important role in supporting healthcare organisations to provide safer care.
What kind of work will we do?
Starting as a small organisation, we are going to have to be very focused in our initial work and allow ourselves some time to grow and learn as we do. The areas of work we are already progressing include.
1. Working with specialists in the field of safety to develop systems for sharing safety information and lessons across health and social care. Carl Macrae is helping us with this work and will be saying more about it at our launch event.
2. Helping health and social care organisations develop better processes for responding to harm and supporting patients/service users, staff and families who are involved. We will be sharing more about this and launching our first project in this area at our launch.
3. Developing schemes to incentivise patient/service user safety reporting and improvement work.
4. Developing training for health and social care professionals to support safety learning and improvement.
We will also be offering conferences and seminars and be looking to support a number of projects and areas of research.
What next?
As we get ready to launch Patient Safety Learning, we would be really interested in hearing from any healthcare or social care organisations that might want to trial some areas of our work. If you work for a healthcare or social organisation, in a patient/service user safety role and would be interesting in finding out more, please get in touch.
The launch event is in central London starting at 5.30pm on 21st September 2017.
There are a limited number of places left but if you’re interested in finding out more and would like to attend the launch, please feel free to get in touch.
We will be sharing more information and launching our full website after the launch even in September.