Supporting patient safety is a full-time job, so reducing duplication of work is critical in making sure you can focus your time on activities that will really make a difference. To support your patient safety efforts, it helps if you’re working with accurate and timely data that will ultimately improve learning from patient deaths. Integration with a local patient administration system (PAS) can help with this.
In 2017, the National Quality Board (NQB) published Learning from Deaths which mandated that all English trusts conduct mortality reviews. The NQB’s report highlighted several important points for healthcare organisations to practice following a patient mortality, including best practices around offering support to families and the importance of staff practicing open and honest communication with family members of the deceased.
With all healthcare organisations facing increasing pressures to learn from patient mortalities, the DatixCloudIQ Mortality Review module is key to adopting a robust and efficient review process. This review tool supports organisations in delivering both NHS national guidance on learning from mortalities and morbidities, as well as ensuring an end-to-end capture of all learnings and linking to other patient safety records.
With the mortality review spanning from the initial review of the mortality, through to final review and potentially an investigation, this whole process can be simplified by PAS integration with DatixCloudIQ (DCIQ) Mortality Review, which provides the ability to automatically create a mortality record directly from updates to the patient record.
With a direct feed based on defined triggers within the patient record, the creation of the mortality record is automated. This then joins the main mortality review workflow. The data provided then influences first stage reviews, such as by medical examiners and second stage reviews, based on local or national review methodologies.
The main benefits of integrating DCIQ Mortality Review with a patient administration system include:
• Time-saving from eliminating duplication of work
• Mortality review workflows are conducted in one system
• Opportunity for human error is reduced
• Case record reviews and investigations have concise and high quality data & information
• The patient record can be “one version of the truth” for patient info
• No records are missed, with all mortalities entering the review workflow
• Safe transfer of information between systems based on secure APIs
DatixCloudIQ PAS Mortality Record creation supports organisations to learn from mortalities by streamlining reviews and ensuring good quality data and minimising duplication of work.
Learn how integrating your PAS with DCIQ’s Mortality Review can help your organisation learn from patient mortalities. Connect with your Account Manager or contact us through the RLDatix website.
With the national mortality record review project coming to a close, you may be looking for an alternative system to capture your mortality reviews. If you'd like a closer look at the RLDatix Mortality Review module, click here to watch a demo video (using the password: 'mortalityreview').